Proving My InnocenceProving My Innocence

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Proving My Innocence

One day when I was driving to work, my car was side swiped by another large vehicle. Although I was lucky enough to walk away from the incident, the other drivers weren't as lucky, and one of them actually passed away. Since I wasn't at fault, I wasn't too worried about defending myself, which is why I was shocked to learn that the other drivers were suing me. Fortunately, my accident attorney helped to prove my innocence, which saved me thousands of dollars in the long run. This blog is all about the importance of working with the right legal team and proving your innocence.


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What To Look For In A Medical Malpractice Attorney

If you've been injured by a negligent doctor or hospital, you may be considering a medical malpractice lawsuit. For this, you will need to hire a medical malpractice attorney. Unless you've had experience hiring one before, you may not know where to turn for help. Here are a few helpful pointers you can use to find the right attorney for your case.

Specialized Practice

Practices that specialize in medical malpractice may be able to give you the right level of representation to meet your needs. While general practice attorneys have experience in a wide range of cases, they may not always have the skill set needed to represent you in negotiations or in court. Look for a practice that specializes in your type of case. If there is not one nearby, look for a practice that deals with a large caseload of malpractice cases. This can be an indication of experience.

Settlements Or Trials

Chances are, you don't want to spend a lot of time in a courtroom. If this is the case, you may want to look for a practice that has a high success rate with out-of-court settlements. This type of settlement is reached when the defendant would rather settle than go to court. In some cases, you may get a better award by negotiating out of court, and you need an attorney who can advocate for that ending successfully. Ask for case studies for recent clients so you can get a better feel for what your attorney has to offer.

In-Person Meetings

You'll want to get to know your attorney to make sure you feel comfortable with your representation. Once you have found a practice or individual attorney you want to hire, call and schedule an appointment to discuss your case. This one-on-one meeting will help to set expectations for your case and let you feel more at ease with the process. Remember that the attorney may choose not to take the case, as he or she may not feel that you can win. If you have an attorney who turns you down, don't be discouraged. You may still be able to find a medical malpractice attorney who can take on your claim.

Of course, you'll also want to ask some basic questions, such as where your attorney went to law school and how long he or she has been practicing. The more you know about your lawyer, the more comfortable you can feel as your case progresses. Contact an attorney, like R.J. Marzella & Associates, P.C., for more help.