Proving My InnocenceProving My Innocence

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Proving My Innocence

One day when I was driving to work, my car was side swiped by another large vehicle. Although I was lucky enough to walk away from the incident, the other drivers weren't as lucky, and one of them actually passed away. Since I wasn't at fault, I wasn't too worried about defending myself, which is why I was shocked to learn that the other drivers were suing me. Fortunately, my accident attorney helped to prove my innocence, which saved me thousands of dollars in the long run. This blog is all about the importance of working with the right legal team and proving your innocence.


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Working And Qualifying For Social Security Disability Benefits

Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits exist for those who have become disabled and are unable to work. However, if you are disabled, you might still be able to work but to a lesser degree. Under these circumstances, you might wonder if you will be able to receive SSDI benefits. 

Your Income and Your SSDI Application

Before you are able to receive SSDI benefits, the Social Security Administration (SSA) will find out if you are currently working and the type of income that you are earning. Your disability must be able to restrict you from substantial gainful activity over the course of 12 months. You are still able to collect benefits even if you are earning money at a limited capacity.

Fortunately, you do not have to engage in guesswork, and what is considered "substantial gainful activity" is clearly defined and is higher if you are blind. Therefore, if you earn less than what is considered substantial gainful activity, you will still be entitled to compensation through SSDI. Therefore, if you're not sure if you should apply for SSDI, review your last two paychecks.

Self-Employment and SSDI

If you are self-employed, you might not have a steady income. For example, you might periodically receive large payments but not every month. Fortunately, a social security lawyer can guide you through all of the tests you must perform to determine if you should qualify.

Deliberately Not Working

To qualify for SSDI, you must prove that you are unable to work because you are not able to perform basic tasks such as walking or remembering information. Therefore, if you have recovered and are still not working, you may not be eligible for benefits any longer.

The Trial Work System

You may attempt to go back to work and might discover that you are unable to work because you are still too disabled. However, the SSA has a trial work system that you can use if you aren't sure.

Denial of Benefits

In other cases, you may genuinely be unable to work but the SSA may believe that you are able to work. You'll likely need help from a Social Security Disability lawyer under these circumstances. You may be able to have your doctor write a letter that will explain that you are unable to work. However, you'll have the easiest time being approved if you are suffering from one of the qualifying conditions.